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Nurturing student satisfaction through personalised assessment and feedback


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Student well-being and a sense of agency are crucial to maintaining motivation and retention. Despite that, students in the UK and Ireland make it clear that their voices are not being heard. With faculties struggling to address emerging student concerns in time on top of their already heavy workload, there is a clear need for more personalised, student-centred assessment and learning practices that can both free instructors’ time and boost student satisfaction.

FeedbackFruits has been collaborating with 100+ higher and further education institutions globally including the Imperial College London, Leeds University, and Falmouth University to respond to this need. With a suite of 15 VLE-integrated tools, FeedbackFruits helps educators and learning designers streamline and scale peer assessment, introduce timely personalised feedback opportunities, and encourage collaboration in any setting.

Join this webinar to dive deeper into the FeedbackFruits solutions and learn how the University of Bath used FeedbackFruits to drive an institutional assessment and feedback transformation that saved faculties’ time and enriched the student experience.

In this webinar, attendees will learn about:

  • Best practices from universities for implementing effective, scalable assessment and feedback on an institutional level
  • Driving continuous, diversified, and formative assessment with authentic tasks
  • Using AI technology to save time for more personalised feedback
  • Cultivating a diverse learning community with collaborative activities such as social annotation, team-based learning, discussion boards, and more

Who should attend:

  • Deans of faculty/school and Directors of Learning and Teaching in higher and further education institutions who are seeking to drive a more personalised, diversified feedback culture
  • Learning and teaching designers and technologists who are looking for scalable solutions for assessment, feedback, and collaborative activities
  • Faculty staff who want to strengthen their communication with students while lightening their workload
  • Student experience leads who are looking into ways to enhance the student experience and satisfaction with learning and assessment

Scheduled speakers:

  • Demetrios Venetsanos, Head of Student Experience, Imperial College London
  • Yvonne Moore, Digital Education Developments Lead, University of Bath
  • Marie Salter, Head of Technology Enhanced Learning, University of Bath
  • Lucy Noble, Director of Teaching (Department for Health), University of Bath
  • Abdulla Dilimi, Account Executive (Europe), FeedbackFruits
  • Grace Wachter, Business Development Representative and Pilot Success Specialist, FeedbackFruits

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