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AAF Virtual Meeting June 2024


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The Academic Applications Forum provides a forum for discussion of topics related to applications support in the academic environment. Membership is largely, but not exclusively, drawn from Computer Centre staff in the UK University sector. Chest support the Forum and attend all of the meetings, so this Forum provides a valuable means of making them aware of current issues and requirements.

A two and a half hour virtual AAF meeting, to cover items per the below agenda.


  1. Minutes of the previous meeting
  2. Actions arising from the minutes not covered by the agenda
  3. Chest Agreement Update
    • Learning, Teaching and Assessment
    • Corporate Information Systems
  4. Report from UCISA Software Procurement Group
  5. Microsoft licensing and Office 365
  6. Devices (management and application delivery)
  7. Applications Software:
    • AI
    • Bibliographic Software, publishing and authoring
    • Graphics, Visualisation, and Multi‐media
    • Mathematics, Statistics, Scientific and Engineering Applications
    • Programming Languages and Applications Development Tools
    • GIS software
    • Assistive software
    • Desktop & Server virtualisation
    • Cloud infrastructure
    • SAM / HAM
    • Server and back-end software
    • Other Software (including software associated with data sets)
  8. Any Other Business

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