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Important Changes Regarding Lumivero/Nvivo Licences

Please see the below for some important changes surrounding NVivo licences. If you have any queries around any of the information, please contact help@chest.ac.uk.

1: Pricing Increases

Effective from 1st July 2024, there will be a price increase on all NVivo (Pro and Plus), Collaboration (Server and Cloud), and Citavi products. Transcription is not included in this increase.  Lumivero are contractually permitted to increase the pricing by 5% on the anniversary of the Agreement (1 July). Since the new Agreement was implemented in 2022, Lumivero have not chosen to implement this increase, but will be doing so this year.

This will be effective for new licences only and will not apply to existing licences (including within-licence anniversaries).

For example, if your institution’s NVivo licence comes to the end of its full term on or after 30th June 2024, your renewal, which will be active after 1st of July 2024, will be included in the price increase.

If your institution’s NVivo licence comes to the end of its full term prior to this date (e.g. 29th June 2024), your new licence will not be included in the price increase, and will remain on the current pricing,  for the full term of that new licence (3 or 5 years, whichever term you choose to order).

If you are mid-way through your licence (e.g. year 3 of 5), the price increases will not come into effect until the end of your full licence period.

2: Removal of NVivo Pro

Also, effective 1st July 2024, NVivo Pro will no longer be available for purchase via Chest. Lumivero removed NVivo Pro from their product offering to all customers except UK&I academia through Chest 3 years ago. Chest negotiated an extended offering for NVivo Pro for our customers. This extended offering is now coming to an end effective 1st July 2024.

3: Banding for Lumivero Agreements - delay

The banding for Lumivero products is reviewed annually. Price banding for Lumivero products is determined by Chest and Lumivero using combined academic staff and student FTE count, which is taken from the latest HESA data. Unfortunately, there have been delays in this data being published this year by HESA. Once this is published in their banding.

4: Licence Keys Now Multi Year

Some welcome news surrounding licence keys. Historically, new licence keys have been issued on each mid-term anniversary of Lumivero products. Going forward, when you are issued new keys, they will now remain active for the remainder of the full licence term. This removes the need to update the keys annually within your licence. All new licences will be issued keys at the beginning of the licence period, for the full  multi-year licence term.

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