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Nielsen BookData Online

During the summer, the Nielsen BookData Online Chest Agreement renewed for a further three years.

Nielsen BookData is the leading provider of information for books and other published media, providing timely, accurate and comprehensive data for English-language titles published worldwide.

Title information is collected from publishers in over 70 countries to ensure the most comprehensive listing of English-language titles regardless of the publisher’s size, location or speciality.

The online service enables users to search, discover and verify book titles quickly, efficiently and accurately saving time and money. The intuitive functionality allows search results to be shared within your system, by email or print and streamline your ordering and cataloguing processes. You can choose between UK or global coverage:

  • UK Coverage: Over 7.7 million unique ISBNs published or distributed in the UK and Ireland
  • Global coverage: Over 22.5 million unique ISBNs published in the UK, Ireland, Europe, US, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa as well as data from a further 70 countries.

The Nielsen BookData Online Chest Agreement provides all the above with preferential pricing and just 1% annual price increases.

* Sorry, this agreement has expired *

Nielsen BookData Online

This agreement expired on the 31/07/2021

BookData Online is an online search and discovery tool providing access to over 43.5m title records from over 86,500 publishers. It is an essential resource for librarians to search and identify ...

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