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Advanced analytical software for teaching and academic research. The software offered under this agreement consists of a standard SAS® Education Analytic Suite package of commonly used SAS® products. There is also the option to licence additional individual products from SAS's Advanced Analytics Group of products and from the Business Intelligence Technologies Group.
Agreement start: 01 August 2017
Agreement end: 31 July 2020
Subsequent invoice date: 1 May
From the Licence start date to 31 July 2020
Higher and Further Education and Research Councils in the United Kingdom, and to Universities and Colleges of Further Education in the Republic of Ireland.
Other organisations aligned with Jisc’s charitable objectives of supporting education, research bodies and the public sector may ask to participate in the Agreement. Chest will liaise with the Supplier about any such requests.
The first Chest Agreement with SAS was negotiated over twenty years ago.
Licensor: SAS Software Ltd, registered in England and Wales (company number 1316437), whose registered office is Wittington House, Henley Road, Medmenham, Marlow, SL7 2EB
Consisting of these commonly used SAS products:
* all SAS ACCESS products are available dependent on system requirements with the exception of SAS ACCESS to BAAN, SAS ACCESS to R3, SAS ACCESS interface to SAP BW, and SAS ACCESS to PeopleSoft)
Also included is access to the following e-Learning courses:
Each module within the following groups is available to be purchased individually at extra cost. The prices on the Products and Pricing page are per module.
Advanced Analytics Group 1 comprised of:
Advanced Analytics Group 2, comprised of:
Advanced Analytics Group 3, comprised of:
BI Technologies Group, comprised of:
Advanced BI Technologies Group, comprised of:
For complete product descriptions, please visit the SAS website.
Department” means a single designated subject area or academic discipline, for example Department of Statistics, and “Department Licence” is a Licence of the Software for use by lecturers, researchers, students and onsite contractors whilst doing work solely for the Licensee and within the Department.
“Faculty” means a formal administrative conglomeration of subject areas or disciplines, or more than one “Department”, for example Faculty of Technology, Environment and Engineering, and “Faculty Licence” is a Licence of the Software for use by lecturers, researchers, students and onsite contractors whilst doing work solely for the Licensee and within the Faculty.
“Campus” means an institution and its associated research and teaching institutes and centres within the UK and/or the Republic of Ireland, and “Campus Licence” is a Licence of the Software for use by lecturers, researchers, students and onsite contractors at the Campus whilst doing work solely for the Licensee.
The Research Only 2-User Research Start-up (PC only) Licence is for one or two named (that is, not concurrent) users in the same department. This option is only for departments that hold no existing SAS Licences. Reversion from an existing Campus, Faculty or Department Licence to a Research Only 2-User Research Start-up (PC only) Licence is not permitted. Research Only 2-User Research Start-up (PC only) Licences are valid only from the date of issue until the following 31 July and can only be renewed by written consent from the Supplier.
Windows 32bit and Windows 64bit are considered as a single platform.
* Additional Modules may be added: at a Department level to Department Licences; at a Department or Faculty level to Faculty Licences; and at a Department, Faculty or Campus level to Campus Licences. Research Only 2-User Research Start-Up (PC Only) is added at the Department level and Approved Non Degree Granting at the Campus level. Concerning Additional Modules, price shown is per module, not per group.
Sites may evaluate SAS Software on request to Eduserv Help by emailing help@eduserv.org.uk..
Documentation to be provided electronically in HTML format on the media containing the software.
SAS runs a full programme of training courses for all levels of user. In exceptional circumstances, these may be available at educational discount for Eduserv Chest customers. Please call your local SAS Training office to find more information and to ascertain eligibility for educational prices.
Details of courses are to be found on the SAS Training website.
Check out the other free SAS tutorial options, which give tips and tricks for working with SAS software and download the free SAS University Edition Software for learning statistics and quantitative methods.
SAS will use reasonable efforts, either by telephone, fax or email to help the Site solve specific problems with installation or use of the SAS software. This advice and support will be communicated to the nominated contact and/or his/her deputy at Licenced Sites during normal business hours within the UK. It may not be possible to solve all problems or correct all errors in the Software. Most versions of SAS Software will be supported, but if Sites do not choose to install the most current release of SAS Software, the level of technical support may diminish over time.
SAS support can be contacted at:
Telephone: 0845 4029907
Fax: 01628 483203
Email: support@sas.com
Web: Technical Support website
A vast amount of technical information, as well as user communities, can be found at the SAS Support Website
One copy of system releases and/or New Versions and new supporting documentation will be sent by SAS to each Licenced Site as and when they become commercially available.
One copy of system releases and/or new versions and/or new supporting documentation will be sent by <Supplier> to Licensed Sites as and when they become commercially available.
A platform availability list and system requirements guide will be maintained by the Supplier on its website.
Virtual and Cloud Computing installations are permitted, provided that the use of the Software remains solely for the “Educational Purposes” described the SAS Licence Terms and Conditions.
See SAS definitions of Virtual and Cloud Computing Installations
SIDS/SETINITS will be supplied to a Site when payment for the products has been received by Eduserv. SIDS/SETINITS are product authorisation codes; a program which, when applied to the Software, allows the Software to operate for its designated term.
Technical Contacts are designated to receive software and SETINITS. He/She will be from a technical background, with an understanding of SAS software, and be prepared to install/distribute the software and provide support to users.
Please visit the SAS website for up-to-date information.
The Chest Order, together with the Licence Terms and Conditions, and any exceptions listed below, create a legally binding contract between your institution, organisation or company and the Licensor. Therefore please read the terms and conditions carefully and only submit a Chest Order if its terms and conditions are acceptable to your institution, organisation or company and you have the authority to make the financial commitment shown.
The SAS Agreement is not a Standard Chest Agreement. Please be sure to read the SAS Licence Terms and Conditions carefully before purchasing SAS Software under this agreement.
Virtual and Cloud Computing installations are permitted, provided that the use of the Software remains solely for the “Educational Purposes” described the SAS Licence Terms and Conditions.
See SAS definitions of Virtual and Cloud Computing Installations
Each Licensed Site will pay to Chest an annual licence fee, plus VAT, according to the products licensed and level of licence plus an Chest Admin Fee of £350.00. Jisc will invoice Licensed Sites for the initial fee on receipt of a completed Order.
Jisc will invoice licensed Sites for the annual charge three months in advance of each subsequent anniversary date of this Agreement (1 May). Additional licence fees will be charged on an ad hoc basis when a site returns an Order to add additional products to their licence.
If a Site becomes licensed/licences a product(s) part way through a year, monthly pro-rating will apply. Pro-rating will not apply to the Chest Admin Fee. Once a Site has committed for a licence period it will be committed until the end of that period (31 July).
Please Note: SAS will not release the licence keys for SAS software until payment has been received by Jisc.
Chest is an Enterprise of Jisc. All Purchase orders must be made out to Jisc, 4 Portwall Lane, Bristol, BS1 6NB to cover all charges plus VAT.
All terms contained in a PO are expressly rejected and do not form part of the Licence or vary the Licence terms in any way.
Payments are due within thirty days of invoice date; recipients of late payments are entitled to interest in accordance with UK statutory provisions.
Institutions using the SAS Chest Agreement may join the SAS Joint Certificates Agreement free of charge. For further details, please contact Geoffrey.Taylor@sas.com.
Sites are at liberty to cancel their Licence entirely, or cancel products/platforms, on an annual basis, to take effect from on the following 1 August. Refunds will not be given. Notice of termination of a licence must be given to Eduserv by 1 May. Complete the SAS Discontinuance Form to cancel your licence, products and/or platforms send to Chest Help.
The SAS Software installed at the Department, Faculty or Campus may only be remotely accessed by users from, and used in, the UK or Ireland.
If a Department, Faculty or Campus has any users outside of the UK or Ireland who are either directly employed by the site or enrolled on a course/degree offered by a site, such users may remotely access the SAS Software installed at the Department, Faculty, or Campus subject to US and UK export control restrictions.
Students | Yes |
Academic Staff | Yes |
Other authorised users | Yes |
Administration and management | No |
Staff home use rights | Yes* |
Student home use rights | Yes* |
* Subject to the Home Use Undertakings, given in the SAS Licence terms and Conditions, being accepted by the Licensee and brought to the attention of, and accepted by, the relevant Authorised user
Home use by Students and Staff is permitted, subject to the Home Use Undertakings being accepted by the Institution and brought to the attention of, and accepted by, the relevant Home User.
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